Top 6 Hay Fever Friendly Flowers
Uncontrollable sneezing, a runny nose, itchy eyes for weeks on end – hay fever just isn’t fun, and it means many of us miss out on the beauty of spring and summer (because our eyes are too swollen to see it!) However we’re here with a public service announcement: you can still enjoy a bouquet of gorgeous blooms! That’s right, there are certain hay fever friendly flowers that bring joy without the sneezes. So to help you avoid the itchies, we’ve put together this guide to the best flowers for hay fever sufferers, plus a little extra science on the problems with pollen.
Can people with hay fever have flowers?
Yes! It’s just about reducing the chance of the blooms setting it off. As you definitely know if you’re a sufferer, hay fever is a pollen allergy, so it’s about steering clear of flowers and plants that release lots of pollen. Trees and grasses tend to make hay fever worse because their pollen spreads through the air rather than being spread by insects. When choosing flowers you want to avoid types that feature lots of pollen, or ones that have an especially large flower head, because that could also equal extra pollen.
Can people with hay fever have house plants?
It’s another yes, and another reminder that it’s all about avoiding pollen. If you really struggle with hay fever avoid indoor plants that flower (flowers = pollen) and opt for leafier kinds instead – palms are especially good for allergy sufferers and can even filter out some of the chemicals that can make a pollen allergy worse.

The worst flowers for hay fever
There are some blooms that should definitely be steered clear of if you’re prone to pollen allergies. Keep away from:
- Sunflowers – their giant heads equal lot of pollen
- Gerberas – serious pollen producers
- Lilies - known to release a lot of pollen. Though you can have the pollen removed from the bulb.
- Dahlias – another one that packs a pollen punch but interestingly they have bred hybrid dahlias with (virtually) pollen free flowers. All of the fluffy petals, none of the stuffy nose.