Here to help
At such a difficult time, we would like to support you with any query you might have about ordering Funeral or Sympathy flowers. You might need help with the process of arranging funeral flowers to be delivered or would like to discuss ordering a ‘One of a Kind’ tribute. Whatever the query, our experienced and trusted partners at Flowers Same Day are ready to take your call.
To place an order
For funeral flowers you can order online, or you can call our experienced and trusted partners at Flowers Same Day on 01 6869395. Your order will be sensitively created and delivered by an expert local Interflora florist.
Order enquiries
If you have a query about funeral or sympathy flowers that you’ve already ordered, please call 01 6869395.
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm
Saturday 8am to 3pm
(As this phone line is dedicated to funeral/sympathy tribute calls, our team will be unable to help with any other type of query, so for anything else please contact us via Livechat or Email here)
Delivery Information for Funeral Tributes