Behind the scenes of the World Cup, ambassadors, floral designers and volunteers keep the competition running smoothly, from looking after competitors to helping set up the venue. We'd love florists, designers, freelancers, growers and students to come and be part of the team for competition week, which starts Monday 4th September 2023.

Sound like you?

Contact us at to get involved. We'll get back to you within 10 working days.

Why volunteer?

Volunteering as part of the Interflora World Cup team gives you the chance to:

  • Meet the world’s best floral designers.
  • Be part of a world class event for the floral industry that’s streamed across the globe to thousands of viewers.
  • Network with florists, the competitors and their assistants, industry sponsors and an outstanding event production company.
  • Gain insight and expertise from working with the best of the best in the industry.

It also makes a great addition to your CV, and you’ll get refreshments and lunch, plus free time to explore the demonstrations and design shows.

How to join the team

To apply for one of the roles you need to be:

  • Over 18.
  • Able to take care of your own transport and accommodation.
  • Able to listen attentively and interact with attendees.
  • Able to stand, walk, sit, lift and carry.
  • Have a sincere desire to get involved, a friendly disposition and a can-do attitude.

Sound like you?

Contact us at to get involved. We'll get back to you within 10 working days.